Your 2018 Big Finish!
How is your summer going? Have you done all of the things you wanted to do this summer? Projects, vacations, time with friends and family, back-to-school prep? I always loved the start of the new school year. It’s a time for fresh starts…kind of like the first of the year. Speaking of the first of the year, how are you doing with your 2018 Intentions? Are you on track? This is a perfect time of the year to get refocused and decide how you are going to finish out the year. Do you want to end 2018 strong? Or have you decided to sit back and let the year wrap up and maybe start over again in January? This is kind of like a bigger version of the overused “I’ll start on Monday?’ No way–this is definitely not you! What do you want to focus on for your 2018 Big Finish?
Is your 2018 Big Finish going to require something to change? More than likely, right??? Every new beginning starts with an ending. That may sound a little weird. Think about the last time you were going to start something new, on Monday, of course (diet, exercise plan, organizing your closet, watching less TV) it always meant that you were going to have to let something go (Cold Stone Creamery, sleeping in, your mess, your latest binge watch.) Some of these things are hard to give up (this is part of the reason why we believe change can be difficult!) Your desire for what you want has to outweigh what you are ending or letting go. What do you want to let go of in your life in order make room for something you really, really want?
Another way to look at this is to start with the end in mind. Can you picture your 2018 Big Finish? Imagine what you will be doing. Who will you be with? Where will you be? How will you feel when you get what you want? This could be your dream job, finding your love, retirement, a balanced life, a healthy, fit body—whatever you are looking for! Create a crystal clear picture of exactly WHAT it is that you want. Then write your vision down in as much detail as you can and read it as often as you can to remind yourself of your WHAT. You don’t have to be too concerned about HOW you will make this happen—you just need to be crystal clear about WHAT it is you want. If you stay focused on your WHAT, you will likely start to notice different opportunities that pop up (thanks God!) for HOW to make this happen. Take action as the opportunities pop up and keep taking action that moves you to your 2018 Big Finish.
Last week on Your Next Chapter Radio I interviewed Mary Foley ( who knows a lot about change. She has an inspiring story telling how her $8 an hour customer service rep position at AOL (back when AOL was leading the market in this type of technology!) evolved into leading the training and professional development of the entire company, all while her personal life fell apart as she was going through a divorce. She had change coming at her in every area of her life. Through that experience, she learned to not just deal with change, but to thrive on it! She shares some really great tips to help us also learn how we can thrive on change. Listen to the full interview.
If you want a 2018 Big Finish and could use some help getting focused, schedule a 30 minute complimentary strategy session with me and we can talk it through!
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Warmest regards,